Kiss with Raspberry

Low Sugar Kiss with Raspberry Filling

Nam tempor a eros auctor pretium. Curabitur ornare arcu vel velit tincidunt varius. Nam imperdiet blandit neque ac imperdiet. Proin elementum lacus et rutrum pellentesque. Aliquam eget urna pulvinar diam sagittis dignissim quis at odio. Nulla ultrices enim ac orci placerat vestibulum sit amet at diam. Aliquam tincidunt consequat turpis, quis rhoncus diam ullamcorper sit amet. Pellentesque a ligula sed lectus lobortis molestie. Aliquam scelerisque, orci sit amet sagittis ultricies, neque arcu semper velit, et malesuada lectus risus eu quam. Integer urna purus, bibendum vel elementum in, tincidunt in tortor.


Cooking time: 1 h

You’re going to need:

  • 2 cups dairy-free chocolate chips (see Chocolate Tips in post above)
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil (can sub sustainable palm oil for coconut-free)
  • ⅛ teaspoon salt (optional)
  • 5 egg whites
  • Vanilla sugar


  • Select a plastic funnel the size of the kiss you wish to make.
  • Decide if you want it plain or with nuts, peanut butter, caramel, white chocolate, Rice Krispies, etc.
  • Melt enough Hershey's chocolate bars to make your kiss in a double boiler being careful not to scorch it.
  • Plug end of funnel with a mini marshmallow and rest it in a sturdy cup (coffee cup is great).
  • Add fillers, if desired, to melted chocolate and pour into funnel. Tap the funnel gently to make sure no air is trapped.
  • Cool at room temperature for several hours. Tap funnel and the